Primal Twang Festival and Concerts DVD
Featuring John Doan, Eric Johnson, Doc Watson, Dan Crary, Albert Lee, Peter Sprague, Andrew York, Mason Williams, Doyle Skypes, and more
DVD price $24.97(no longer available through this site)
It was an honor for John Doan to be featured in this exciting video program alongside players who are a veritable “Who’s Who” of the guitar world today (Doc Watson, Mason Williams, Albert Lee, Dan Crary, Andrew York, Eric Johnson, Doyle Dykes, etc.).
The DVD contains a lot of wonderful historical footage and the performances are incredible. John’s favorite moment was catching Doc Watson playing my harp guitar in a behind the scenes moment. Included in the bonus features are interviews and additional solos including John playing “Farewell” from A Celtic Pilgrimage and Eire – Isle of the Saints on the harp guitar and a selection by Fernando Sor on the Harpolyre.
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