Part 4: John Doan’s Southeast Asia Tour – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – From Mopeds to life in City Parks, to Posing with a Model, to Resourceful Street Vendors, from the former President’s Palace to a Rooster on the Street

1.Vietnam a Century Ago



Vietnam a century ago was occupied by the French but still retained many of its former traditions.



2.Vietnam a Century Ago



The Dan Nguyet or “Moon Guitar” was a popular instrument played in Vietnam before guitars were introduced in the 20th century.






3. Memories of By Gone DaysMoon guitars can still be seen today in Vietnam hanging on the back walls of antique stores like a memory of a distant time. Continue reading

Part 3: John Doan’s Southeast Asia Tour – Penang, Malaysia, Where Nature Grows Out of Buildings, People Dine From the Trunk of Their Cars and He Perform On the Top of a Birthday Cake!

1. Penang, Malaysia John Doan



Although Penang is an island just off to the north east of peninsular Malaysia it seems like a world apart.  Unlike Malaysia’s capitol of Kuala Lumpur, there are many streets that have been left just as they were over a century ago.



2. Penang, Malaysia John Doan


Back then carts were pulled by strong men. Continue reading